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Employee Training: Importance skill to focus and more?

Have you ever thought about why multinationals and large organisations have become so successful? Their success lies in their workforce. They are highly motivated, continuously learning, and contributing to the company’s growth. But behind all this, those companies train their workforce and prepare them for the market according to their requirements. Guess what? This blog will discuss why employee training is important for your business and how you can do that effectively.

Employee training is essential in the field of human resource management, and it is an integral part of business development. It is also essential for companies that want to be more competitive and ready in an increasingly uncertain and fast-paced global market. On the one hand, successful companies train their employees particularly to achieve their own objectives.

In our blogs, we often say that employees are the most important asset in modern-day business. And training them is an investment that provides a higher return. However, most growing or small businesses consider them expense rather than investment which is a very wrong concept. And this is the reason many companies fail to succeed in the competition.

Let’s discover together the importance of dedicating time and resources to developing employee skills, which skills to focus on, and how to organise the training process best.

Measuring The Social Impact Of MFIs: Why Is It Important

If you are into microfinance, you must be doing a lot to help the poor and reduce poverty in society. But have you ever thought if everything your MFI doing is effective? In other words, are you measuring the social impact of MFIs’ works? If not, let’s learn why measuring the social impact of your MFI is important.

Microfinance is a financial service sector that particularly aims to provide credit, savings, insurance, and other financial products to low-income individuals who are typically excluded from accessing traditional financial services. The main goal of microfinance is to alleviate poverty and promote financial inclusion by providing access to credit and other financial services to those who are otherwise unable to obtain them.

But the question is, how do you know at what level your MFI is contributing to financial inclusion? Well, in order to know that, you must measure the social impact. To determine whether this particular sector is actually achieving its goal of alleviating poverty and promoting financial inclusion.

This article will explore the reasons why measuring social impact is important and how you can do it effectively.


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